We Support

We donate 20% of every “The Philanthropist” 240g sold towards Schizophrenia - Mental Health institute.


What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a complicated mental health problem related to psychosis. There’s lots of misconceptions about it and there is currently no cure available. The cruel reality is that about 1 in every 100 people get diagnosed with this mental illness at some point in their live and most people diagnosed with this disease are aged between 18-35 years.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Many experiences and behaviours can be part of Schizophrenia and they can start suddenly, or develop gradually over period of time and each person’s experience is completely unique.

Most common symptoms of Schizophrenia are the following:

  • A lack of interest in things
  • Feeling disconnected to your own emotions and feelings
  • Difficulty of concentrating
  • Wanting to avoid people
  • Delusions and Paranoia
  • Disorganised thinking and speak
  • Not wanting to look after yourself
  • Hallucinations


Schizophrenia is usually treated with a combination of medicine and therapy tailored to each individual and people diagnosed with this disease, usually receive help from a community mental health team, which offers day-to-day support and treatment. 


Help us to support others to get their treatment and reduce the impact the condition has on their daily life.


** all donations are send to www.rethink.org